If you would like to arrange a call back from one of our partners please fill in the below form.
[contact-form to=”” subject=”Autochair Referral Form – Mobility and Comfort”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email (Optional)” type=”email”][contact-field label=”Telephone Number” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Postcode” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Address Line 1″ type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Please provide any additional information you would like us to be aware of.” type=”text”][contact-field label=”You agree for us to share your details with our relevant partners. (We will never send spam emails.)” type=”checkbox” required=”1″][/contact-form]Why choose the Smart Lifter LP?
Many hoists cannot handle the biggest and heaviest scooters or powered wheelchairs, but the Smart Lifter LP’s awesome power means that it can lift up to 200kg. At the same time, it fits perfectly inside many different makes and model of car – just as long as their boot opening is sufficient enough to fit your scooter inside.
Why choose a wheelchair hoist?
Wheelchairs and scooters give people with limited mobility the chance to get moving in and around the home, but if you want to travel further afield, installing a hoist in your vehicle will allow you to take your mobility device with you, without necessarily having to change your car.